
Monday, August 4, 2014

Candice Mastocytosis Triggers and Reaction Information Sheet

Known Allergens and Triggers

NSAIDS (such as Advil, Aleve, etc)
Sulfa Drugs
Mosquito Bites
Dramatic changes in temperature- from hot to cold or cold to hot
Any Amount of Humidity
Emotional Changes
Acidic Foods and Drinks (lemons, limes, pineapple, tomatoes, and their juices, etc)
High Histamine Foods and Drinks (avocados, brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc)


Candice can usually feel when a reaction is about to happen and will inform someone that she doesn't feel well and that it is starting.  She will say she is having a masto reaction.  The sooner she gets the proper medications to stop the reaction the sooner she will feel better and will increase the possibility that she will not progress to the serious category of anaphylaxis.  In the event she complains of headache and/or bone pain please give Acetaminophen.

Mild Reaction- Minor skin changes such as her "spots" on her skin will appear to look like a mosquito bite.  She may become irritable and mildly feverish and flushed.  Her eyes and nose may become reddish to purple and swell (looks as though she is tired or was recently crying).
-if this happens please give Cetirizine (Zyrtec) and Ranitidine (Zantac) as well as use her cooling towel and any other cooling products that are available (cool mist fan, cool vest, cold water) to attempt to stop further progression of more severe symptoms and monitor for progression of more severe symptoms

Moderate Reaction- She may have some of the above plus...major skin changes such as the "spots" on her skin will raise and fill with fluid, be painful, itchy, etc.  She could have flushing, this is where she turns red and it feels hot to the touch (like a fever).  She may become lethargic, fatigue, not interested in doing things she normally would enjoy doing.  She may have a headache.  She may have bone pain (especially leg/feet).  A temper tantrum that happens in a matter of seconds with no apparent reason could occur.  She may have diarrhea or complain of GI (tummy issues), bladder control issues,  or even begin vomiting.
-if any of the above happen she must be given her emergency mediation Benadryl to attempt to stop the progression of more severe symptoms

Severe Reaction- Anaphylaxis may occur.  If this occurs immediately give EPI PEN and call 911 to transport to the nearest facility.  Then call parents.

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