
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cool Vest

Candice started Kindergarten last year and I knew that outdoor activities such as recess and P.E. would be an issue, especially here in hot and humid Houston, TX.  I wanted her to have a cool vest to use so that she could still participate most of the time and not feel left out.  At the time we were trying to get our insurance to help cover some of the cost as they are pretty expensive.  It was an ongoing long process.  So while I was still trying to get them to help I decided to make a temporary one.

I purchased a child size life preserver. I took out the flotation devices and put velcro in the bottom of the vests back and sides where the flotation devices had been to create pockets.  She could wear the preserver over her clothing and it had fasteners that could be tightened and/or loosened if needed.  I also purchased some cool packs that could be frozen and last up to about an hour at a time.  The cool packs could be inserted and removed from the pockets because of the velcro.  She was able to wear this and participate in outdoor activities for her Kindergarten year, unless the heat was extreme and then she would participate with another class in either Art or Music class.  She didn't feel left out and had a great year!  Below is a picture of the homemade cool vest.

Unfortunately we were not able to get our insurance company to help out with expenses and Candice outgrew her cool vest therefore needing a new cool vest.  Candice's grandma Marion and grandpa Joe bought her a cool vest this past year that she should be able to wear for some time and came with sets of cool packs that last up to about 8 hours at at time!  She is using it this year at school, her first grade year, and is able to participate in recess and P.E. even with it being very hot and humid here.  She really loves it!  Below is the link to the cool vest.  We are truly thankful for this cool vest!

Cool Vest

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