
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Emergency Medical Binder

Candice has an emergency medical binder.  She has one at school that the nurse keeps in her office for reference and for anyone that comes into contact with Candice to read (i.e. teachers, substitute teachers, etc).  I have one for myself that I take to doctor appts and keep readily available in case we have to go to the Emergency Room so that anyone that will treat her will have access to.  All of Candice's doctors and dentists have copies of all important information that is in the binder and pertinent to her treatment and/or prevention of a flare up.

In this binder I have:

*A cover page that says Emergency Medical Information and her name.
*On the inside cover I have a picture of Candice for in case she has a substitute the sub will know who she is by sight.
*Letter from her allergist that treats her for mastocytosis stating that she is treating Candice for mastocytosis, explaining what mastocytosis is, possible and known triggers for Candice, medications Candice takes in an attempt to prevent a flare up, also other preventatives that Candice needs to have access to at all times such as: cool mist fan, cool vest, cool packs, cool cloths (i.e. frog togs), and iced water bottles or thermos, etc.  Her doctor also provided an Action Plan for the school and Emergency Room doctor with signs of a reaction/flare up, action for initial minor reaction/flare up, action for major reaction/flare up, and her emergency number.
*Candice's medic alert information.
*Information provided by Candice's allergist stating Treatment and prognosis of mastocytosis.  This gives information on what mastocytosis is and general management of mastoytosis.
*Emergency medical information such as her name, date of birth, and that vaccines are up to date.  Along with her diagnosis, medications, known allergies and triggers, possible degranulators/triggers, prior history such as illnesses and hospitalizations, pediatrician information, allergist information treating her for mastocytosis, and all emergency contacts.
*Type of mastocytosis she has, categories of her reactions such as mild, moderate, and severe and what to do during each of these.  Stating that she usually feels when a reaction is coming on and will inform someone and to please send her to the nurse asap or if anyone notices anything not "right" with her to send her to the nurse.
*A little about Candice and how a typical reaction for Candice may look and when to send her to the nurse and what medications are to be administered and when.
*Pictures of reactions she has had in the past such as lesions swelling, filling with fluid, bursting and flushing.
*A link to my blog about Candice and mastocytosis.
*Description of Mastocytosis, Symptoms, Treatment, and link to TMS and NIH websites regarding mastocytosis.
*Dental management of a pediatric patient with mastocytosis that I printed off from the TMS website.
*Emergency Room Protocol that I printed off from the TMS website.
*Any and all doctor letters regarding Candice and mastocytosis.

1 comment:

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